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Schedule for Monday, April 3, 2017

The Senate stands adjourned until 3:00pm on Monday, April 3, 2017.

Following Leader remarks, the Senate will proceed to the consideration of Calendar #18, S.89, Delta Queen, with the time until 5:30pm equally divided in the usual form. At 5:30pm, the Senate will vote on passage of the bill.

Upon disposition of S.89, the Senate will proceed to Executive Session for consideration of Calendar #24 the nomination of Elaine Duke, of Virginia, to be Deputy Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security.

At a time to be determined by the Majority Leader with the concurrence of the Democratic Leader on Tuesday, April 4, the Senate will vote on confirmation of the nomination.

Monday, April 3rd at 5:30pm - 1 roll call vote

  1. Passage of S.89, Delta Queen

Tuesday, April 4th at a time TBD

  1. Confirmation of Elaine Duke, Deputy Secretary of DHS