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Senate Floor Wrap Up For Wednesday, March 10, 2010

  • S. Res.158, commending the American Sail Training Association with amendments to the resolution and preamble
  • S.1067, Lord's Resistance Army Disarmament & Northern Uganda Recovery Act w/ a Feingold amendment
  • Confirmed the following Executive Calendar items:
  • #706, Genevieve May, US Marshal, Eastern District of LA
  • #707, Donald Booth, Ambassador to Ethiopa
  • #708, Scott DeLisi, Ambassador to Nepal
  • #709, Beatrice Welters, Ambassador to Trinidad & Tobago
  • #713, Ian Kelly, Ambassador Organization for Security & Cooperation-Europe
  • #714, Walter Jones, US Director African Development Bank
  • #715, Ian Solomon, US Ex Director International Bank for Reconstruction
  • #716, Leocadia Zak, Director Trade & Development Agency
  • #717-718, Brooke Anderson, Ambassador Special Political Affairs, UN
  • #719-720, Rosemary DiCarlo, Ambassador-Deputy Rep Security Council
  • #721, Douglas Rediker, US Alternate Executive Director, IMF
  • #723, William Hochul, US Atty- Western District of NY
  • #724, Sally Yates, US Atty - Northern District of GA
  • #725, Kathleen Tighe, IG Dept of Education
  • #727, Larry Persily, Federal Coordinator AK Natural Gas Transportation
  • #734, Sandford Blitz, Federal Cochair Appalachian Regional Commission
  • All nominations on the Secretary's desk in the Foreign Service