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Roll Call Vote on Daines amendment #132 (SoC, national monuments)

4:39pm The Senate began a 10 minute roll call vote on Daines amendment #132 (sense of congress: national monuments);

Not Agreed To: 50-47

Next (10 minute votes):

  1. Coons amendment #115 (climate resiliency projects)
  2. Collins amendment #35 (school building efficiency)
  3. Carper amendment #120 (fuel cell motor vehicles)
  4. Murkowski amendment #166 (wilderness study areas)
  5. Heitkamp #133 (renewable tax credits)
  6. Gillibrand amendment #48 (fracking)
  7. Barrasso amendment #245 (tribal treaties)
  8. Cardin amendment #124 (tribal treaty requirements)
  9. Daines amendment #246 (SoS Land and Water Conservation Fund) -side by side to Burr amendment #92
  10. Burr amendment #92, as modified (Land and Water Conservation Fund)